We’ve set up an Online Rummage Sale with a huge amount of items in a wide variety of categories. Selling these items helps us minimize our storage costs and the profit from the sales will help keep 3Below alive. It’s the best kind of fundraiser because you get something out of it in addition to helping 3Below. You can snag all sorts of items from those useful to unique, functional to fabulous.
It’s not hyperbolic to say we have a bit of everything available. Not only are we selling theatrical items like costumes, props, sets, and sound/lighting/projection equipment but we also have new and used clothing, children’s toys, housewares, decor, and furniture.
Lack of storage space is always the reason, isn’t it? We’ve hung on to just about everything we’ve ever created or purchased but it’s time to pare back and putting anything into the landfill feels criminal. You’ll find brand new items, gently used items, and collectible and vintage items. We have also received items from donors with the intention of making them available for sale to help with this fundraiser.
Our Rummage Sale will be conducted entirely online. No need to wake up at the crack of down to beat the rush in the summer heat to stand outside searching through piles of items! Instead, you can visit this page any time to shop, place items in the online cart, and proceed to checkout like you would any other store.
Important note: unlike other stores, there is no shipping; everything you buy in the rummage sale is local pick-up only.
Guggenheim Entertainment, Inc.
at 3Below Theaters
288 South 2nd Street
San Jose, CA
(408) 404-7711
© 2021. All rights reserved.